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Wirtualna Ruda







wirtualne spacery




History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 10



The historical path



However, the planned closure of the coke plant was accelerated due to a malfunction. The chimney flue of batteries no. 1 and 2 broke and the subsidence prevented the movement of furnace machinery and the track-way and railroad bed were damaged. Exhaust gases with temperature exceeding 800 °C were escaping to the environment. The safe decommission of the battery was performed by the workers of the Orzegów Coke Plant, who were supported by the services of the Zabrze Coke-Chemical Plants. The liquidation decisions were made by the ZHŻiS in Katowice. In January and March of 1976, the chief executive officer of the Zabrze Coke-Chemical Plants issued orders and detailed regulations concerning the closure of the coke plant.


Due to the preserved unique technical devices, the coke plant was written in the registry of technical monuments of the then Katowice Voivodeship in 1987. Only the most precious fragment of the plant, that is, the series of chambers of the first coke battery, tar tank, coal tower, and section of access road along with its surroundings, was covered with protection. Sine 2007, on the territory of Orzegów operates the Orzegów Lovers Society, which integrates the residents, cultivates historical traditions, and collects documents concerning the industrial operation in this district of Ruda Śląska.






View of the roof of coke batteries

with chimney of battery no. 3 in the background

(from the collection of JSW KOKS Zabrze)




Representatives of the Zabrze Coke-Chemical Plants during visitation of the Orzegów coke plant, circa 1973 (in the middle of the penultimate row: Eng. Maksymilian Smołka, on the right Eng. Janusz Warmuziński, and on the left MSc Eng. Marian Torc). (from the collection of Czesław Smołka)









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