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Wirtualna Ruda







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History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 9



The historical path



The lack of development decisions resulted in the technical condition of coke batteries being rooted deep in the beginning of 20th century. The low battery efficiency and hard work conditions caused staff problems as there were not enough people to man the plant. The lack of38-36, 35.1, 35.2, and 34 type of coal necessary to manufacture coke was also a factor that restricted the development of the industry.

In the perspective plan for years 1964-1980 prepared by the Koksoprojekt, the Orzegów coke plant was recognised as obsolete and its further expansions was impossible due to the mining damage. The coke plant was supposed to operate only until 1975.






Cover of the project for perspective development of the coke-chemical industry in the scope of production, years 1961-1980

(from the collection of National Archives in Katowice)



Graphic from the album of Bytomskie Zjednoczenie Przemysłu Węglowego (Bytom Coal Industry Union) from 1963

(from the collection of Władysław Gürtler)









Projekty dofinansowane ze środków zewnętrznych