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History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 5



The historical path



In years 1914 – 1918 the work conditions have drastically worsened. The food prices were constantly increasing and the increase of salaries did not recompensate the results of inflation. This resulted in the implementation of food rationing and strikes were a common occurrence. After the World War I, the situation in the Upper Silesia was very complicated. In August of 1919 broke out the first Silesian Uprising. The insurgents in Orzegów managed to break two German outposts, but had to withdraw after being shot at and as a result of heavy losses. In that Uprising died Wilhelm Łukaszczyk of Rozbark and Oskar Mośny. 


After the second Silesian Uprising was held a plebiscite, which indicated that over 59% of votes in the area of Bytom – country were in favour of joining Poland. Orzegów was allocated to Poland thanks to that plebiscite and the third Silesian Uprising.




Cover of the Fabryka Silesia quarterly, issue no. 2 of 2016











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