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History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 4



The historical path



The creation of the coke plant and Gotthard mine was the result of vonSchaffgotsch family’s industrial activity. The fortune was created thanks to the work of Karl Godulla and was developed by his heir Johanna Gryzik, who received the ttle of nobility, Gryzik von Schomberg - Godulla, from the Prussian king Frederick William IV. As countess and wife of Hans Ulrich, she effectivelly chose professionals managing the family fortune. However, Johanna and Hand Ulrich von Schaffgotsch did not decide to autonomously open the new coke plant. They entrusted the construction works and later operation of the new plant to the Oberschlesische Kokswerke und Chemische Fabriken (Oberkoks) corporation.


Karol Godula – parhic by Kazimierz Szołtysek from the Wielcy Górnoślązacy (Great Upper Silesians) series

(from book Z dziejów rodu Schaffgotschów (From the history of the Schaffgotsch family) by Irena Twardoch, p. 10)





Johanna and Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch (from book Z dziejów rodu Schaffgotschów (From the history of the Schaffgotsch family) by Irena Twardoch, p. 38)



Chief Executive Officers of the Schaffgotsch industrial plants (from book Z dziejów rodu Schaffgotschów (From the history of the Schaffgotsch family) by Irena Twardoch, p. 62)









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