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Wirtualna Ruda







wirtualne spacery




History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 7



The historical path



Due to the attack on the Polish-German border before the eruption of World War II, the coke plant was under the protection of plant militia and veterans from Silesian Uprisings. On 1st September 1939, the local population was evacuated by the order of central government, and then the Germany took over the coke plant. During the occupation, the coke plant and mine workers supported the assistance fund of the Konwalia organisation, which co-operated with the underground organisation of Polish Armed Forces,  run be priest Jan Machała and Joachim Gürtler. At that time, the outpost in Orzegów counted approximately 80 people.


In order to provide the appropriate level of coke deliveries, the plant used its production abilities to the fullest while simultaneously not undertaking any new investments, which resulted in a complete devastation of existing batteries.






View on coke batteries no. 1 and 2 with visible charging machine track-way and charging and pushing machine with electrical drive (from the collection of JSW KOKS Zabrze)




Priest Jan Macha and Joachim Gürtler

(from the collection of Czesław Smołka)










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