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History of the "Orzegów" coking plant

part 3



The historical path



At the end of 19th century, in the Gotthardschacht (Karol) mine were found deposits of bituminous coal suitable to manufacture coke. At that point, the owners – Johanna and Hans Ulrich von Schaffgotsch – decided to build the Orzegów coke plant. These two workplaces had a great impact on the development of the city. In years 1890 – 1920 were built several residential buildings for the workers. These buildings were so-called familoks (houses for several families) made from red brick, private tenements, and multifamily houses built at the present streets: Bytomska, kardynała Augusta Hlonda, Królowej Jadwigi, Witolda Czapli, Młodego Górnika, Emilii Plater, Piaseczna, Przelotowa, and Warszawska.



Topographic map by GUGiK presenting Orzegów in years 1958-1961

(from the collection of National Archives in Katowice, data from the www.orsip.pl website of the Silesian Voivodeship)











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