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Wirtualna Ruda







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"Orzegów" coking plant technology

part 9



The technology path



Before the production was mechanised, each battery was handled by 19 workers: charging machine operator, door operator, lift operator, receiver operator, nozzle operator, gas ducts cleaner, two glue workers that sealed doors with clay, two workers preparing clay, coke extinguishing worker, and five sorters. Five workers were responsible for loading wagons and transporting coal. The basic task was to manufacture coke and take care of coke batteries along with operating equipment. Despite the technological progress, the work conditions were extremely hard and harmful to health. The coke plant did not possess the newest installations that eliminated hazards. The whole area of the plant was in a gas-hazardous and explosive atmosphere zone. The plant produced such big volumes of impurities that in 1972 the emission of impurities to air amounted to 944 tonnes of dust and 451 tonnes of sulphur dioxide.




Operator of charging machine with steam drive (from the collection of the Orzegów Lovers Society)





Jan Baron, Teodor Nowok, and Augustyn Wyleżoł next to the charging machine (1928) (from the collection of the Orzegów Lovers Society)




Old method of lifting furnace doors  (from the Węglownia i Baterie Koksownicze Wskazówki BHP (Coal Processing Plant and Coke Batteries. OHS Guidelines) study by Wacław Stawnicki, p. 47, Państwowe Wydawnictwo Techniczne, Warszawa, 1955)









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